Beholding God’s Creation

Beholding God’s Creation

B - Behold God’s CreationU - Uphold the environmentM - Manage the wellbeing of every creatureB to Behold God’s Creation – Each time I walk the beach I am compelled to praise God.  I am so amazed by his creation.  Everywhere I look I see God’s majesty in full display. ...

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Dog Birthday Ideas

Dog Birthday Ideas

July 7, 2015 was a very special day.  It was the day that Sully (Minna’s BFF, cousin, and next door neighbor) was born.  Or so I thought…  Each year since Sully was rescued his birthday has been celebrated on July 7 with either an over-the-top decorated...

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Fourth of July Tips

Fourth of July Tips

This Saturday we celebrate our great country, the United States of America.  Backyard barbecues, family gatherings, a day spent on the lake, and of course fireworks.  How many of you used to love fireworks until you became a dog-parent?  It is hard to...

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Hello and welcome to Minna and the Canine Club’s blog! We are so glad you are here. 

We believe that every child is a hero, and it is our hope is that our blog posts about our favorite dog characters (Minna, Blue, Maggie, and Clancy) will inspire kids and adults alike to be the best they can be. We love our dogs and we love books, so please join us in this adventure as we share some teaching tips and ideas, Minna’s recommended library books, Maggie’s Monday Message, Courage from Blue, and of course, Clancy’s favorite recipes for kids. 

As Minna and the Canine Club would say, “Tails up, it’s time for an adventure!” 

-Whimsical Writers

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