Minna is the feisty founder of the Canine Club. Inspired by her teacher human, Minna decides to start her own school for the canines in her neighborhood. She loves learning and adventures. Most of all Minna loves kids and invites you to climb under the garage door and join the adventure.
In short, Blue is a good sport. As the strongest of the group he takes care of the others. This may mean a word of encouragement or a simple boost in life. Blue knows who he is and is comfortable in his own fur. While greatly admired by many, he remains humble and kind. As Minna says, “Blue has your back”.
Maggie is a free spirit. She is energetic, happy, and playful. Smiles are given freely and frequently to her canine friends. She loves the adventures she has with her gal pal Minna and the Canine Club. Maggie is easy to get along with and is always good for a laugh.
“Did I hear it was snack time?” That’s Clancy. He is a handsome beagle who loves his food almost as much as his canine friends. He is best described as faithful and devoted as well as a bit fearful. He is easily distracted but he is a trusting soul.

Check out Minna and the Canine Club in the Media!
-Voyage Michigan Article
-Teacher blends love of dogs, learning to publish children’s book (School News Network)
-Children’s author gives Birchview students writing tips (TV6 & FOX UP)
-Minna and the Canine Club make debut in Boca Grand (Boca Beacon)
-Educators, writers reach out through book, website (School News Network)

Minna's Library
Join Minna in her brand new library! Read books, join Minna’s Book of the Month Club, and have some family fun!