Jun 20, 2020 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog |
Happy summer, everyone! It’s Minna here. Here in Michigan, summer is my favorite time of the year. It’s finally sunny outside and I get to strut my stuff by the beach. Since summer is such a special time, I thought I would share my official 2020 summer bucket List....
Jun 18, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments |
I have found great comfort the last few months just walking through the woods behind my house. I enjoy walking along the mowed path that leads to my sister’s home. During the weeks of quarantine and isolation the beauty of nature has given me peace in the midst of...
Jun 17, 2020 | Blog, Teaching Tips |
Our canine companions have had the ultimate dream come true when quarantine hit. Pups around the nation were going from being home alone for several hours a day to having constant companionship with several walks a day as their owners learned to work from home. ...
Jun 15, 2020 | Blog, Life's Moments |
We have something new and exciting here on Minna and the Canine Club! As you know, we love rescue dogs. But did you know, there are thousands of other creatures in the world that need rescuing, too? Read to find out about our new Monday feature by the Beach BUM. After...
May 14, 2020 | Blog, Life's Moments |
Today in History Four hundred thirteen years ago today the colony of Jamestown was established. My first ponderings regarding this historical day was not what happened on that day, or tell...
May 13, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments |
Here in West Michigan we are finally starting to experience the ideal spring weather: sunshine & 60-degree weather. This means we have more of a range of activities to partake in during quarantine. After several online conversations with my...