Back to Work! Tips for You and Your Dog

Back to Work! Tips for You and Your Dog

Our canine companions have had the ultimate dream come true when quarantine hit.  Pups around the nation were going from being home alone for several hours a day to having constant companionship with several walks a day as their owners learned to work from home. ...
The Beach BUM

The Beach BUM

We have something new and exciting here on Minna and the Canine Club! As you know, we love rescue dogs. But did you know, there are thousands of other creatures in the world that need rescuing, too? Read to find out about our new Monday feature by the Beach BUM. After...
A Quarantine Spring

A Quarantine Spring

Here in West Michigan we are finally starting to experience the ideal spring weather: sunshine & 60-degree weather.   This means we have more of a range of activities to partake in during quarantine.  After several online conversations with my...


While visiting the local grocery store I reflected on the simple things in life that have changed during this Pandemic.  I followed the line into the store.  Customers must all pass by security to ensure we are wearing face masks.  Signs are everywhere...

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