Feb 16, 2019 | Blog, Hero Dogs, Uncategorized |
by, Thad Abel During the latter half of World War II, land mines became common and an effective means of defense. Landmines are buried in the ground and are detonated when a vehicle runs over it or if a soldier steps on it. If the explosive does not kill the soldier...
Feb 13, 2019 | Blog, Contests |
We are excited to publish the two January writing contest winners on our website! It was fun to read everyone’s entries. These two pieces of writing stuck out for many reasons, but we loved how both writers are sisters! Minna and the Canine Club is built from...
Feb 7, 2019 | Activities, Blog, Videos |
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and that means we are celebrating friendship! Minna and Sully have been best pals since the cold night three years ago when Jessie brought Sully to his forever home. They hit it off right there in the humane society....
Feb 2, 2019 | Blog, Hero Dogs |
Did you take the Hero Dog Quiz that was posted this week?! If not, click here and quiz yourself! The answers are posted below. Good luck! Answer Key: 1 – C 2 – GS 3 – SB 4 – C 5 – N 6 – SB 7 – GS 9 – N 10 – N 11...
Jan 31, 2019 | Blog, Hero Dogs |
by, Thad Abel It is inspiring and touching when we hear a story of a dog who has rescued a person or another animal. Dogs from many different varieties have been known to be a hero. However, there are certain dogs, because of their breed, are better able to be...
Jan 24, 2019 | Blog, Hero Dogs |
by, Thad Abel In part one of our Hero Dogs of 911 blog I wrote about Roselle, who led Michael Hingson, a blind man safely down from the 72nd floor of one of the twin tower buildings. At the same time this story was unfolding there were many other heroic feats on this...