Saturday Rescue Spotlight: Lexi

Saturday Rescue Spotlight: Lexi

I am so excited for you to meet one of my oldest and dearest friend's Milly (or Molly as the rest of the world calls her) and her sweet dog, Lexi! Read more about this precious rescue story! Rescue Dog Name: Lexi (Lexi-girl, Chewy, Charlie, Lexicon, Lex) Rescue Dog...

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A Walk on the Ocean Shore

A Walk on the Ocean Shore

The favorite times of my day are my walks along the beach.  My morning begins with a walk shortly after sunrise. It is a sensory experience that demands more of a stroll than a walk.  The day is young and I am filled with anticipation. I feel the heat from the sun and...

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Saturday Rescue Spotlight: Mac

Saturday Rescue Spotlight: Mac

Last week Erica pointed the spotlight on her rescue, Minna, and challenged me to share the story on my precious rescue dog, Mac. Check out our interview below! Rescue Dog Name:  Mac – His name on the rescue website was Magic, but I changed his name to Mac. ...

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Inspire Your Heart With Art

Inspire Your Heart With Art

Did you know that today, January 31, is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day? Of course being the creative minds behind Minna and the Canine Club, we just have to celebrate this day! While none of us are great with the paintbrush, we believe art comes in many forms. Check...

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Hello and welcome to Minna and the Canine Club’s blog! We are so glad you are here. 

We believe that every child is a hero, and it is our hope is that our blog posts about our favorite dog characters (Minna, Blue, Maggie, and Clancy) will inspire kids and adults alike to be the best they can be. We love our dogs and we love books, so please join us in this adventure as we share some teaching tips and ideas, Minna’s recommended library books, Maggie’s Monday Message, Courage from Blue, and of course, Clancy’s favorite recipes for kids. 

As Minna and the Canine Club would say, “Tails up, it’s time for an adventure!” 

-Whimsical Writers

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