A Walk on the Ocean Shore

A Walk on the Ocean Shore

The favorite times of my day are my walks along the beach.  My morning begins with a walk shortly after sunrise. It is a sensory experience that demands more of a stroll than a walk.  The day is young and I am filled with anticipation. I feel the heat from the sun and...
Inspire Your Heart With Art

Inspire Your Heart With Art

Did you know that today, January 31, is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day? Of course being the creative minds behind Minna and the Canine Club, we just have to celebrate this day! While none of us are great with the paintbrush, we believe art comes in many forms. Check...
Goodbye, 2019

Goodbye, 2019

This past year has been a memorable one! Thank you to everyone for your support. To celebrate the old and ring in the new, let’s take a look at some of our favorite moments from 2019. We rang in 2019 with visiting our first school and doing a book talk. It was...
Remembering Grandma

Remembering Grandma

My grandma, Genevieve Snyder, left us a rich legacy of love as she crafted Christmas memories year after year.  She was a gifted woman whose wealth was not made up of monetary possessions, but of using the talents God gave her to spread love and affection to all...

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