Nov 14, 2018 | Activities, Blog, Teaching Tips |
Each year I look forward to the month of November in my classroom! Early elementary teachers are appreciative of the independence that students are learning as well as getting to be more in depth with the content we teach. For many of my kindergarten students, this...
Nov 3, 2018 | Blog, Book Updates, Videos |
Minna and the Canine Club is officially launched and available to be shipped daily and this month our books will be out in bookstores! Check out what kids are saying about this first book in the series in this new video! Thank you to these awesome fifth graders for...
Nov 2, 2018 | Blog, Contests |
And…we have a winner! Meet Maya, the cutest pilgrim! Maya’s human is Cade and his family. We love Maya’s stoic little pilgrim face. Thank you to everyone who entered! Keep coming back to the site to check out the next contest.
Oct 21, 2018 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog |
It’s me, Minna. I heard my human talking about the “Sunday Scaries” today, and let me tell you, she has them. She looked REALLY scared when she got home from the grocery store tonight. She will probably blame the whole thing on me and tell you that...
Oct 19, 2018 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Activities, Blog, Book Updates |
We had a great time at Bark in the Dark! This annual event is hosted by the Humane Society of West Michigan where dogs and their humans can walk or run to raise money for animals in need. This year, Minna and the Canine Club were official sponsors of the event, which...