Dec 14, 2018 | Activities, Blog, Book Updates |
We are so excited to share that TOMORROW (Saturday, December 15) from 2-4 we will be at Rivertown Crossing Mall’s Barnes and Noble! If you love books and dogs then you will want to be there! The West Michigan Humane Society will be there with us and they are...
Dec 6, 2018 | Activities, Blog, Uncategorized |
Traditions are the stories families write together. As I stated in the blog I wrote on October 11, enjoy your life’s journey by relishing the moments. I’m a person who enjoys simple pleasures and that includes watching Hallmark movies. But I have my own Hallmark...
Dec 2, 2018 | Blog, Contests |
Happy December! If you are a part of our mailing list then you know all about our fall kid’s writing contest. After reading all of the entries, we have two winners: third graders Zoe and Kailee! Congratulations! Since they won, their writing is published below....
Nov 26, 2018 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog |
Snow Day! It’s me, Minna and today was my very first snow day as a teacher. All last night I couldn’t sleep wondering if the snow storm would be bad enough to cancel the Canine Club school today. I kept imagining all of the bones I could eat, playing in...