Sep 17, 2019 | Blog, Life's Moments |
September 17, 1787 is a day to remember. As Americans we should take a few minutes and read about how 55 delegates (the Framers) spent close to 4 months creating our Constitution. They had many disagreements but all the Framers agreed on a few things. First they...
Sep 7, 2019 | Activities, Blog, Book Updates |
Minna and the Canine Club is very excited to have a booth designed just for kids at Bark in the Dark! This year, we are hosting an exciting contest for kids! Has your dog done something SUPER funny?! Minna and the Canine Club know all about funny moments and we have...
Aug 25, 2019 | Blog, Book Updates |
It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two weeks since we were at the adorable bookstore, Read With Me, in Raleigh, North Carolina! Several months ago while looking through the best bookstores in the United States, we came across Read With Me. According to many...
Aug 6, 2019 | Blog, Book Updates, Life's Moments |
This was written on our East Coast trip. More fun stories to come about this trip! We are currently driving through beautiful upstate New York. By the time I am ready to post this I will probably be in Bar Harbor, Maine, hopefully enjoying a giant lobster and Cape Cod...
Jul 2, 2019 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog, Life's Moments |
It’s me, Minna here! One of my favorite holidays is coming up in a few days – the Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day. I called off school for the week so that all of us canines can celebrate with the humans! The only thing I don’t...