As we continue to celebrate friendship during the month of February, I have chosen to write a definition poem to describe my dear friend. A friend is someone you have chosen to be part of your life. I dedicate this poem to Carrie Murphy who has been my friend for 30 years.

What is a Friend?
A person you can talk to for hours and never run out of things to say
Someone who understands your silence
Someone you can always depend on
Someone who listens and cares about what you have to say
Someone who is happy for your success
Someone who does not compete with you but shares in your interests
Someone who loves the Farmer’s Market as much as you do
Someone you enjoy spending time with
Someone who gets your humor
Someone who will spend hours gathering seashells with you
Someone who always asks about your family
Someone who shares your hopes, dreams, and faith
Someone who makes you a better person
Someone who enriches your life simply because you know them
A treasured gift from God
That’s My Friend! Carrie Murphy
IF you would like to share a story, picture, illustration, poem, or any other artifact about what friendship means to you, check out our February contest by clicking here!