Jul 19, 2022 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Activities, Blog, Minna's Rules |
Have you read Mary Poppins?! It is one of my favorite books!
Jul 19, 2022 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog, Minna's Rules |
The perfect sunglasses for your fur friend!
Jun 20, 2022 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Activities, Blog, Minna's Rules |
Look at this cute summer outfit! I have my stylish jean shorts with bright yellow t-shirt and it’s looking so good. Such a perfect outfit for a day in the park! And guess what?! The whole outfit was only $9! My human says she got it at the Walmart toddler and...
Jun 13, 2022 | A Day In a Dog's Life, Blog, Minna's Rules |
Guess what, fashionistas?! It’s time to get Fashion Friday back in action! If you know me, you know I LOVE some good outfits. Whenever I see my human pull out my clothes, I try to tackle her out of excitement (true story). I thought I would get the summer...