Harvest season is such a wonderful time of the year.  The local farmer’s stands are now filled with pumpkins and loaded up with just about every kind of apple you can imagine.  While the sights and aromas are beginning to feel a little more fall-like, so are the activities in the classroom.  This also means that Johnny Appleseed Day is approaching on September 26th.  The start of the school year can be busy filled with assessments, procedures, and learning routines, so if you are looking to add some fall fun with your students or child, check out the suggested activities below!

Learn all about Johnny Appleseed’s life through this article

Have your read the article written about Johnny Appleseed and his life and respond to the questions.

Create a circle map and fill in adjectives describing Johnny Appleseed.

This can be done as a whole group or individually.  Children can then create a class discussion on the adjectives they came up with from their circle map.

Write a friendly letter to Jonny Appleseed asking him any questions or commenting on his life.

This is a great activity that combines both reading and writing skills.  Children will take their knowledge about Johnny Appleseed and compose a letter to him.

Map out Johnny Appleseed’s journey.

This adds geography content as well as reinforcing map skills.

Read and response activities with the books: Jonny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg, Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh, or Who Was Johnny Appleseed by Joan Holub.

After reading an informational text on Johnny Appleseed, proceed by having students answer comprehension questions either orally or writing them down.

Study the life cycle of an apple.

This is a great way to utilize content literacy in your classroom by relating it to science standards or learn transition words by knowing what happens first, then, next, finally.

Make crockpot applesauce in your room!

This would be a fun culminating activity after an informational writing on “How to Make Applesauce” or just a positive reward for your students!

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