Mar 31, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Minna thinks today is a great day to read aloud to someone! Grab your favorite book and someone special you are quarantined with, and read them a story. You can also do this virtually as well, to another friend! Reading aloud not only promotes literacy, but helps with...
Mar 30, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Today, Minna has a very special idea for kids all over the country! National Mill Dog Rescue is hosting a drawing contest for kids! Due to the current circumstances, dogs are spending a lot more time alone in the shelter. NMDR wants to brighten up their day by hanging...
Mar 27, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Whether we like it or not, we are apart of history right now. This is unprecedented territory we are living in, and someday, kids will look back on this time and be able to share stories. I personally love history, and am so thankful to all of the men and women who...
Mar 26, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Today on Moments with Minna, we want to encourage kids and families to get outside and enjoy nature! During this time of being in our houses all day, it’s important to take some time to get fresh air and enjoy the natural beauty around us. We live by Lake...
Mar 25, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Teaching Tips |
Today’s activity is SO fun, and takes a little more patience and time than Minna’s other activities. Minna suggests decorating unique Easter eggs as a family today! Of course, there is the ‘original’ way to decorate eggs; boil the eggs, get...
Mar 24, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Teaching Tips |
Being quarantined is no joke, and even though we have to stay apart, we can still communicate with one another! Today, Minna is encouraging kids to phone a friend! How nice would it be today to be able to actually talk to your friend?! Kids are used to being in school...