Mar 24, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Teaching Tips |
Being quarantined is no joke, and even though we have to stay apart, we can still communicate with one another! Today, Minna is encouraging kids to phone a friend! How nice would it be today to be able to actually talk to your friend?! Kids are used to being in school...
Mar 21, 2020 | Blog, Life's Moments |
Minna had a little social distancing party yesterday to celebrate 6 years of being rescued! We may be biased, but we thinks she is just the cutest. Her cousin, Sully, even brought over a special cake to celebrate! Minna had a wonderful time reading and watching all of...
Mar 20, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Today Minna wants to finger paint (and us adults want to, too!). This is super easy to do at home. All you need is some washable paint and paper and then you can go crazy!
Mar 19, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Today Minna is encouraging kids to send flowers to someone who could use some cheering up! This could be a friend, a family member, or perhaps a local nursing home. We encourage you to order flowers through a local flower shop, to support local businesses during this...
Mar 18, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
On Friday, March 20, it’s Minna’s birthday! Six years ago on March 20, I (Erica) traveled across the state to try to adopt this 2 pound Pomeranian mix puppy named Madam KiJi. She looked like my kind of dog. As soon as I met her I knew she was the one for...
Mar 17, 2020 | Activities, Blog, Life's Moments, Teaching Tips |
Today’s activity goes back to the classic days of radio. Back when families sat around a radio and listened to dramas, mysteries, and music together. There was no TV, no computers, and screen time wasn’t a thing. I like to imagine families sitting around...