We have something new and exciting here on Minna and the Canine Club! As you know, we love rescue dogs. But did you know, there are thousands of other creatures in the world that need rescuing, too? Read to find out about our new Monday feature by the Beach BUM.
After years of walking the Gulf Coast beaches of Southern Florida, I have to acknowledge I am a Beach BUM. I LOVE IT!!! This year I felt compelled to share what nature has so lovingly shared with me. If you are reading this post you are reading the introductory blog of the…

While I may look like a BUM when I walk the beach, here on Minna and the Canine Club, BUM stands for the following:
B – Beholding God’s Creation – It really is unbelievable.
U – Upholding the environment – Clean it up!
M – Managing the wellbeing of every creature big and small – They need you.
For introductory purposes, I am going to keep this simple. If you want to qualify as a Beach BUM you must be prepared. Simply walking the beach in your bathing suit does not qualify. Although, I know it is very enjoyable. There are a few essentials you must carry with you to be an official BUM.
- Be safe – Hat, Water, Sunscreen
- Phone – The phone will serve multiple purposes. While you behold God’s creation you can take a picture and share it with others (such as posting to this blog, The Daily Barker). The phone will also serve as a way to contact Wildlife Rescue if you come across an animal suffering. In future blogs I will share the best numbers to have in your phone. I will also share how to recognize a bird in distress. I have some first-hand experience in this area.
- Bag – The bag also serves multiple purposes. You can pick up trash and treasure. There are many treasures on a beach. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of trash. This year I found a TV on the beach. Can you believe it?!? Fortunately, there are great services to call to help you manage environmentally sensitive trash. We will have a LOT of discussion on the trash and treasures you can find on a beach.
Well folks, these are the bare essentials. In the future we will discuss a great little tool to carry with you to pick up treasures and help one of my favorite little forgotten sea creatures (read next week).
My focus is on the Gulf Coast Beaches. However, there are many of you who are Beach BUMs on the shores of the Great Lakes as well as the beautiful seas “down under.” Won’t you and others follow The Daily Barker here on Minna and the Canine Club and share your photos and experiences?

Farewell until next week,

You make a Great Gulf Coast Beach Bum. Look forward to your future writings.
This Virus has inhibited my searching the Great Lakes at Holland State Park. Looking forward to the Great Lakes Beaches being open soon.