United States Presidents Part I – A SOAR Unit


SOAR – Stimulating Opportunities Academic Rigor

A SOAR Unit engages students by captivating their attention with stimulating activities that include multiple academic disciplines. Student progress will SOAR!

This unit includes 5 lessons that cover non fiction reading strategies, while covering social studies content focused on four US presidents. The unit is meant to engage learners through interesting content while teaching them important reading skills. Each lesson includes at least one non fiction article, Test Your Thinking Skills activity, and a SOAR activity that is more hands on. This unit is perfect for February, as it is President’s Day, and can be used with students grades 3rd – 6th.

presidents day, education, interactive learning


SOAR – Stimulating Opportunities Academic Rigor

A SOAR Unit engages students by captivating their attention with stimulating activities that include multiple academic disciplines. Student progress will SOAR!

This unit includes 5 lessons that cover non fiction reading strategies, while covering social studies content focused on four US presidents. The unit is meant to engage learners through interesting content while teaching them important reading skills. Each lesson includes at least one non fiction article, Test Your Thinking Skills activity, and a SOAR activity that is more hands on. This unit is perfect for February, as it is President’s Day, and can be used with students grades 3rd – 6th.



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