While our nation is staying inside, let’s take this as an opportunity to develop our creative side more, play with our kids, and spend more time as a family. Minna is the queen of finding stuff to do (trust us!) and she has lots of ideas to make your quarantine just a little more enjoyable.
Today, Minna would like to share a fun way to engage kids with writing. Did you know that most children and adults visualize their writing and their stories long before they actually have words? We know this to be true ourselves, as we were developing Minna and the Canine Club. It started with a vision, and we played it out in our minds. We then actually sketched out some characters and plot ideas on a giant poster board. From there, we had the beginnings of a story.

Children actually write before they even read, and they do this through pictures. Why not today encourage your child to draw a story?! Sometimes as adults we tend to get caught up in the words and wanting kids to add more words, when the real heart of the story is in the beginning sketch. Give your child some crayons, markers, fancy pens, paint, whatever you have and let them go! We suggest you get together at the end of the day as a family and do some old fashion story telling together. Have everyone share their drawings and tell their story.
Who knows, maybe the next Winnie the Pooh, Curious George, or even Marvelous Minna is waiting to be created today?
*Tip for older children: Get a large piece of paper and fold it into 8 pieces. Have each piece be a “scene” and children can sketch/draw/paint each scene for a more organized feel.