Grab a picnic basket and fill it with some peaches and treats and head to the beach to celebrate this last unofficial weekend of summer! If you have read Minna and the Canine Club, you know that Minna has rules to “Lead a Classy & Fabulous Life.” Minna is always one for a classy summer dress and a refreshing treat, so she wanted to share how you and your furry best friend can also have a classy and fabulous Labor Day weekend!

First, it’s all about the outfit. Once Labor Day weekend is over, we all sort of say goodbye to summer and hello to the crisper season of fall, so Minna knows this is one of her last chances to wear her summer apparel. We are also all about not breaking the bank for Minna to look her best, so that is why we headed to our local Meijer. Meijer has a great variety of dog apparel, and not only are they adorable, but they are very price friendly! Minna’s red sundress was a nice $5.99! It’s cute, it’s airy, and it’s classy!

You also need to be sure to have a picnic this weekend. Minna’s favorite place to be is outside, whether by the pool, in her backyard, or by the beach. No Labor Day weekend is complete without a picnic outside. Minna highly suggests packing it full of pupperonis, but you can be the judge on that one.

We humans suggest something peachy for this last summer adventure. Peaches were in their prime in late August around here, so we wanted to be sure to pack a delicious peach treat, and we all love peaches around here. One of our favorite recipes is making a sort of candied peach ice cream topping; it’s sweet, it’s refreshing, and it’s DELICIOUS.

For the recipe, you will need around 3 pounds of fresh peaches, 3 cups sugar, 3 cups water, a few cinnamon sticks, and some mason jars.

First, boil a large pot of water. Once the water is boiling, put in your peaches and let boil for around a minute. After a minute, put the peaches into an icy bowl of water. A lot of recipes tell you the water has to be very icy, but I have found as long as it is cold and you leave the peaches in there for several minutes, you will be good to go. Second, after the peaches sit in the cold water, you can safely and carefully peel off the skin from the peaches. It should come off very easily!
You will then quarter your peaches and set them in a bowl. Put 3 cups of water and 3 cups of sugar in a large pot and bring it to a boil. Then, add the quartered peaches to the pot and let simmer for several minutes to get the peaches nice and soft.
Get your mason jars ready by boiling the jars and lids and getting the rims hot. When your peaches are nice and soft, you can spoon them into the jars. Boil the leftover juice to thicken it up a bit, and then fill the peach jars with the thickened juice and top it off with a few delicious cinnamon sticks.
Put the lid and rim on, and put the jars in boiling water with 2 inches of water covering the top and let boil for 20 minutes. Then, you are ready to get some ice cream and top it off with your tasty peaches!

We hope wherever you are, you have a peach, classy, and fabulous Labor Day weekend!