As we approach the last day of the year 2020, we know that this past year will forever be remembered. This year, we have seen a lot of hard times, but through those hard times, we have also seen tremendous generosity, kindness, and courage. Minna and the Canine Club would like to introduce our first ever “Minna and the Canine Club Person of the Year” and recognize the people of 2020 that kept our country running. These people showed up courageously each day, and we thank you.

Another year has ended,
What a year it turned out to be.
Covid, riots, an election,
Concerning times for you and me.
Many people have suffered,
With illness, grief, and loss.
Loved ones, jobs, and a way of life,
It’s impossible to count the cost.
We thank God for all the heroes,
We proclaim them the People of the year.
They responded in our time of need,
And helped others despite their fear.
Let’s start with our medical personnel,
Who worked tirelessly to save each life.
And comforted the grieving ones,
To help a nation through their strife.
Don’t forget the first responders,
The police and firemen too.
For all of those who kept us safe,
And risked their lives for me and you.
How about all the workers,
Who drove trucks and manned the stores.
They worked right through the quarantine,
So we had food, supplies, and more.
Hooray for all our teachers
Who taught us to adjust
We went to school on-line,
Because learning is a must.
We thank God for his protection
For His truth, and grace, and hope,
And for those who preach the word,
And help us all to cope.
It’s the ordinary people,
Who make this country great.
The heroes who performed their jobs,
In every city, county, and state.
Shelli Abel