September 17, 1787 is a day to remember. As Americans we should take a few minutes and read about how 55 delegates (the Framers) spent close to 4 months creating our Constitution. They had many disagreements but all the Framers agreed on a few things. First they unanimously elected George Washington as the president of the convention. Secondly, each state would have one vote, no matter how large or small, at the convention. Thirdly, they would write a whole new constitution instead of improving the Articles of Confederation. Lastly, the Framers agreed to keep their conversations private. What they said at the convention would be kept a secret for 30 years. They wanted to be able to speak freely. They may have known that arguing publicly may interfere with the people accepting the new constitution.
I felt both proud and sad when I read about the process the Framers followed at the convention. As an American I am in awe that 55 men created a document that has been the supreme law of the land for 232 years in the greatest country in the world. I say the greatest country in the world because our Constitution was written with the idea that the people create and run the government. The first three words of the Constitution of the United States are We the People. Government was to serve the people, not control the people. In spite of their many disagreements the Framers were able to COMPROMISE for the good of the country. Can we do that today? Can our representatives put the country above their own personal views, roll up their sleeves, compromise and get to work? Could anyone remain silent for even 24 hours if it would bring unity? These are questions that We the People must ask. We are the government, and we should expect no less from our representative today. September 17, 1787 was a great day in American History. READ ABOUT IT!
Great article and great writing. Thanks for bringing this to our atttention.
As always..Vi